Welcome to the EUROMENE website!
EUROMENE is the acronym for European Network on ME/CFS, which is a COST Action project. Myalgic Encephalomyelitys/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a disabling disease of unknown aetiology that affects individuals of all ages, causing significant social and economic burden. The economic burden of the disease across Europe has been estimated as EUR 40 billion in 2015. While there have been increased research efforts on ME/CFS in the last 20 years, they remain rather fragmented, and there is a lack of coordination of European research on the field. There are substantial gaps in our knowledge of this complex disease, and the creation of the proposed European network of ME/CFS research groups will provide the means to address them. The EUROMENE aims to assess current knowledge and deliver information on the burden of disease in Europe, potential biomarkers, clinical diagnosis and management, and potential treatments to care providers, patients, and other stakeholdersmore
- It is with great sadness that the family of Prof Derek Pheby announces his passing
- Contributions to the Covid 19 Study
- Recommendations
for a public health European-wide approach
- Underfunding of Biomedical
Research into Myalgic Encephalomelyelitis is unjustified, say
- Neurocard
- The 12th International Symposium On Neurocardiology - The
International Symposium On Noninvasive Electrocardiology
- Message from EUROMENE to people
with ME/CFS during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Final Conference
Common strategy on research of ME/CFS will take place on 12 -
13 March, 2020 at Rīga Stradiņš University, Latvia
- 1st Meeting on Chronic Fatigue in Immune-mediated disorders
Charité Fatigue Center Berlin
November 21/22 2019
Download Agenda

Second row from the right to left: Nacul Luis (UK), Rasa Santa (LV), Nora-Krukle Zaiga (LV), Berkis Uldis (LV), De Korwin Jean-Dominique (FR), Pheby Derek (UK), Shikova-Lekova Evelina (BG), Strand Elin B (NO), Lorusso Lorenzo (IT), Harrer Thomas (DE), Nielsen Henrik (DK)