Epidemiology WORKING GROUP
Tasks of the first period of the project
Explore of ways to collect population based data on the prevalence of ME/CFS;- Explore of the potential of existing cohorts;
- review the characteristics of existing clinical databases manteined by collaborating institutions;
- Survet existing epidemiological data on ME/CFS in partecipating countries
Our Mission
- Objective: to establish a joint open epidemiological platform to explore the use of available data within the EUROMENE
- Task 1: To survey existing epidemiological data on ME/CFS in participating countries
- Task 2: To organize two meetings per year (could be also
teleconferences) to discuss and analyse the existing data and
approaches to set up the common database;
the existing data and approaches to set up the common database; - Task 3: To survey existing disease-related ME/CFS biobanks and to develop common protocols for biobanks creation in each country;
- Task 4: To discuss and propose a common ethics and legal framework for enabling the sharing of samples among collaborating biobanks for ME/CFS research purposes.
- Milestones
- Survey data on epidemiology and biobanks presented in synchronisation group M6;
- Ethical framework version 1 presented on MC M24.
Curriculum Vitae
Epidemiological data aboutMyalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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Epidemiology of ME/CFS in Europe: where we are and where we need to go
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Report on existing ME/CFS biobanks, deployment and access, data availability and restrictions
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Treatment and management of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: all roads lead to Rome
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Gender Differences in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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ComorbidityinChronicFatigue Syndrome/MyalgicEncephalomyelitis: A NationwidePopulation-Based Cohort Study
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Amendments to the protocol of the EUROMENE systematic review on the prevalence and incidence of ME/CFS
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