
Working Group on conferences, seminars, training schools, STSMs

STSM (short term scientific mission) activities

  • 6 STSMs are planned for 1st year
  • Participating countries are requested to  provide candidates
  • STSM coordinator will navigate the procedure and process Seminar to Barcelona meeting

Our Mission

to increase capacity in ME/CFS research, and improve career pathway and visualisation for ECIs
  • Task 1: To organize two training schools “Summer school on -omics and bioinformatics in ME/CFS research”, and “Summer school for translational research in ME/CFS”;
  • Task 2: To organize STSMs, accomplish them and monitor results. The training will be available to the network but also accessible to ECI applicants outside of the network.
  • Task 3: To organize two training panels “Novel methods in potential infection-associated biomarkers research for ME/CFS” and “Novel methods in potential immunological biomarkers research for ME/CFS”;
  • Task 4: To organize final global conference “Common strategy on research of ME/CFS”.
  • Document on target group invitation (PhD students/candidates, ECIs, young principal investigators, researchers, clinicians, health policy makers, patients) for training schools, training events and conference M6;
  • Protocols of training schools and clinical trainings. M48;
  • Conference programme M36.

Curriculum Vitae

MC conferences, seminars, training schools



Interaction with the COST Office
Representative SILVIA ALEXE on dissemination
(what is done, how to increase dissemination activity)
Download Document
Working Group 5
Conferences, seminars and training schools
Download Document